For Mary :)

+01. Cliche i know but, i just love there fashion, and stuff!! Lily and Kathryn from skins are way better then effy by far, lol, im trying hard to get interviews with these two for my new zine about fashion art and all things lovely.
Dont you just lovely lily’s top i do 🙂 i was going to buy one of those tops from bricklane but i jad a fear i would look like my 5year oldself, when my uncle use to come back from thailand with hideous knocked-off Hwain shirt proper scary childhood fashion faux pas!

+02. well today im going to have to drag my nervous arse to charlotte street to drop my porfolio off to the drawing school postgrad thingy i wanna do….i wont hear back for an intier month! 31 days 🙁 of pure dread! i just hope to god i can find the place, if not i might just turn into a blubbering mess, on a plus note Debz is coming with me one of my most loyal and close friends my little super star, she might not think it but she is :).

+03. I made a congratulations on your new baby card yesterday for my neighbour, eileen who had a wee baby boy 🙂 well her mum hasnt been to well i havent seen her for 2 years she lives 2 doors down, from me but i giess ive been in cornwall anyway, it turns out she had mouth cancer, and we got a plate of amazing cupcakes and apple pie from her today, with the most heart felt note that i had ever read, reduced me almost to tears, it makes you realise how speacial and fragile life is, she is a very brave women and i wanted to dedicate this post to Mary, not that she will ever read it but ive known her for 20years and she and her family are amazing 🙂

P.S. i have a fromspring…so go on ask me a question i dare you x


1 Comment

  1. April 6, 2010 / 7:34 am

    I love your hair!!:)
    Great blog! I will follow you.


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