+01 I spemt a few minutes making this new header..do you like it? i decided to make it a little more personal so i decided to hand-draw it after doing research into typography yesterday, i love researching in the libary at uni. By the way if know one didnt know this by now i am an uber geek! I havent really been upto much spent the morning watching ghost programmes and writting my book..its safe to say i need to get a life!
+02 Im still really struggling with this book now have like 2-3weeks for it to be completed in time for printing i might bind it myself so i have more time to create it, but i do really want it to be really professional! Below is a new illustration from the book, i’m liking the style of it, but im currently feeling really unsure in myself, and that usually reflects on the effort and how i feel about my art work!
+03 so lastnight me and my boyfriend headed to the cinema to see Cemetary junction, an it was amazing, i loved it, the entier cinema were in stitches for most of the film, the colours in the film, the cars, the plot were just perfect. I would really reccomend it…also the Tom hughes is really rather fit…. on a less girly note, it has really helped me with the plot of my book that i am basing in the 1970’s. Also to add to this note i bloody love Ricky gervais’s laugh.