+01 i would just like today to disappear, i have been alone in my studio for most of it stressed out im still doing work now, i cant switch off third year is crap! im the only person on my fine art course whos doing a book…i know its my choice but hey! and i have an MA interview next friday and i decided stooopidly to go to brighton with some mates over the weekend ooo it looks like fun but im stressing that i will run out of time…god i could cry…anyway
“Nobody really cares if you’re miserable,
so you might as well be happy.” -Cynthia Nelms.
This quote above is getting me through it though…..
I’ve put this dudes work in because i discovered it through a friend today and i really like the layout of his zines, my tutor told me i had to work on my layouts its uber hard taking all the things i need to do for my book in, because i havent actually had any formal, illustration teaching so i havent learnt everything through books or my tutor, so i’m really worried that this book is going to be shit
as you can probably tell i am having a shit day, homesickness sucks i tell ya so im going to put a pic up of my family 🙂 x this is minus my dad who was taking the picture.
+02 ok so i am not going to brighton now…would have been lovely to have gone but hey know i get to do work…i should be slightly hqppy but i am not.
+03 I have been asked to try out for the cornwall roller derby OMG! i havent skated for years and a bigger worry im asthmatic im really worried… shall i so it? basically you skate/sprint around a track you can be pushed over…eekk does anyone reckon i should do it…i need a confidence boost….so what ya think!?