I spoke earlier in the month about being ask to create the title and decoration for a wonderful blog by, Elenor blogger of Pretty much Penniless what with moving all my belongs to london and finishing my degree i have only got round to starting it toda
Since not really having much to do, other then painting some watercolous and commisons. I have taken to trawelling the internet when i have a spare moment, i have discoverd some rather wonderous things. Me and my boyfirend have been in disscusion about getting a Shop,!? I have been looking for inspiration and searching for empty properites in london and falmouth. But i did stumble upon an amazing shop, in a place (when i am home back in london) nearly every sunday but i have never seen it before. I thought i would share the wonderful image i have found on their website. It really inspires me to really try for this shop, i want a studio at the back too!
Jessie & Buddug the shop…Amazing name, amazing plaec.
I’m sure you agree with me that their shop is pretty wonderful, it reminds me of charles dickens’s book the old curisosity shop. Filled with wonderful finds and goodies. (when i googled an image for the old curiosity shop i discovered an image of a mummified body in a case, freaked me out a lil…not that you really needed to know this Moving on!)
I am so inspired to take time out and just make tonnes of stuff. More cards and more necklaces!
You can purchase these at urban outfitters i believe, i think they are lovely i use to have a little frog brooch like this, everything is wonderfully handmade, they also do made to order products.
I have been invigulating my degree show at uni, Oh the joys! have to do it again at 3pm till 6pm and im not going to lie but its a tad bit tedious and boring i’m sure none of my work is going to sell so i really cannot be asked to to it, so i am just really waiting around painting until 3pm comes along, but to fill my time i have learnt something new 😛 i have always wanted to know hoe to create a fishtail braid in my hair, you know that really funky plait, well i learnt today with the help of youtube & foxy locks, it is actually alot easier then i thought it would be, in anger the other day i chopped my hair off, not all of it but enough to now annoy me, but i can still plait.
This is actually my favourite blog ever ever, you are fabulous 🙂 xxx
Ahh I am so excited! I hope you know there's no rush though!
And i love that plait! I wish I knew how to do them 🙂 x
i've seen this shop before somewhere, maybe it was on PMP actually.
i've heard the street is really nice too