
Today has been the biggest bitch ever! Yeah you come to a fine art degree to look at fine art but so what my work looks like its illustration, i bet the person that insulted MY work and My exhibition….couldn’t draw or even remotely knows what the fuck they are on about!! I’m sick of these sorts of people they really make me not want to paint or draw ever again…i know you get some critics but why bother being negative really…its not nice …that has been my day…


”When I wake up in the morning,  I feel just like any other insecure 24-year-old girl. Then I say, ‘Bitch, you’re Lady Gaga: You get up and walk the walk today.”

OK OK enough of being negative about me.. i was just reading a blog entry from Leah Sullivan from dance in the dark, she writes about having a blog and not really finding her way with the whole fashion trend/fashion blog thing which i can totally sympathies with, I’m not really one to want to share to much of what i have worn or really know where i fit in the blogging world, i am totally inspired by fashion and love it but i do not see myself any different to any of the other bloggers out there that write and photograph their fashion, i find it rather indulgent and being quite shy i find photographs of me really hideous to be honest maybe that’s just me. By the way i am not obsessed with lady gaga i just found the quotes quite appropriate.

The blogging world is so massive that it very hard to be one of those people to really make an impact, and i think after today i would be rather hypocritical I said you know be yourself don’t let other influence you, when my first entry was about a mean person commenting on my work, everything in life i think makes people consious of themselves be it their clothes, hair, art, writing or weight. But the best thing i find to do it take those negative comments or even your insecurities and shove em in those negative peoples faces, its always the way i do it. Its not about showing off its about standing proud. Yeah my work in the degree show is illustration, for now it is, but i can paint a mean portrait in, any medium or material anyone gives me its having that confidence to allow yourself to realise your insecurities and failures, but never dwell on them for long, create the person you want to be. 

“Well, that’s your opinion, isn’t it? And I’m not about to waste my time trying to change it.”
          Lady Gaga

I grew up in a very poor (not well off shall i say) family with no other family members going to university, no one to show me the path, no one to follow, but my gut instinct and my heart ( and i guess my skills) but i have worked bloody hard to get here and for someone to turn around and say some ridiculous comment well you know what who ever wrote the comment…i hope you like what i wrote back to you in my comments book at the bottom of the page….FUCK YOU… isn’t it just great venting your anger 🙂

I have come to realise from doing this blog for a few years that it really doesn’t matter if you have a niche market, or you are just writing to yourself, as long as you stay true to yourself and don’t blow £200 at topshop to get 5 extra followers then that’s all that matters.



  1. June 25, 2010 / 7:14 pm

    darling, thats horrible! I'm sorry for being crude, but fuck 'em! The only people that matter are the ones whose opinion you value. xx

  2. June 25, 2010 / 7:22 pm

    true true but its a wee bit harsh i've had an awful week i got a 2:2 on my degree that i am sooo upset at then some horrible so and so comment in my book being like you shouldnt be doing fine art, its just illustration, i guess i shouldnt listen but its very hurtful thank you for your support sweetie 🙂 xxxxx

  3. June 25, 2010 / 8:13 pm

    dude, that sucks but it's cool, cos it isn't really them who gets to decide if it's good or not, well not in the real world. if you like it, that's what counts. you gotta have you critics indeed.

  4. June 26, 2010 / 8:57 am

    What bastards! Why would you ever criticise someone like that who has worked so hard?
    I really love your illustration, I literally found your blog about thirty seconds ago! Do you have an etsy shop? x

  5. June 26, 2010 / 12:56 pm

    Lady Gaga is just plain awesome. What an inspiration <3 and for what it's worth (not much because i know nothing about art i'm afraid haha) but i think your work is amazing and i'd kill to be able to draw like you!

    Stacey xx

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