This post was written yesterday i am so lame at keeping to my to do list so i apologize for this rather rubbish post…
So the last few days have be so tiring that i really haven;t been able to function and you know when your brain goes onto Auto-pilot and then suddenly your kind of left with nothing to do. I have been so busy that i haven’t been able to talk to one of my Best mates because every time she called i was so busy. we have only spoken once in 5months which is crazy.
So yesterday i managed to get me and my stock to The Bust Christmas craftacular but, oh no disaster strikes i get there and forget that i have left my camera at home, silly moo, i have the crappiest phone possibly ever made so i doesn’t come with a camera and my mums was so old the photos are miniscule, but i am hoping to send them to my boyfriend who will then relay them to me. So i will have photo evidence of my presence there.
It went really well and through out the day i hand at least 2 people at my stool which made me rather happy, i made a months wages in a day which added to my delight, considering how hard i have to work at work for £6.73 an hour.
I got to also meet some really wonderful people the lovely Julia Pott came up to my stall and we had a wee chat which was lovely and i got to me her wonderful in a rather chrismassy outfit. Also i got to meet Sophie of Oh my clumsy heart she’s adorable. And i also met up with Emma Lewis which was great because we went to the same Uni she did illustration and i did fine art so it was really nice to finally get to meet her.
So minus the strike came into action at 6 last night meaning i had to leave early, it was really great day.
I had to got to work today rather un-expectedly so i haven’t really been upto much just trying to dodge the freezing weather on my journey, i am all snuggled now in my 20p christmas jumper. When o got home i received a parcel from my boyfriend it has taken him nearly 5months to post me something so when i opened the parcel he had sent home made ginger beer and tea towel for my mum and dad that had vegetable growing dates its prettier then it sounds, soap because i am a but of a tramp, and two hand printed cards wonderful it was a nice end to my rather tiresome day. Ooo and i also watched Ghost hunters i am obsessed with this program, even though it kind of scares me and the fact is i live in a rather creepy house to begin with doesnt really help ha!
But onto a little video that i love because it has wooly hats, patterned wooly jumpers and mainly because its my favorite Elton John song sung by one of my favorite singers…there is some reasons to love it! So have a little listen to Ellie Goulding because it all wintery and snowing and just because.
WOW a MONTHS wages?! That is incredible! well done you!! 🙂 xx
It was so inspiring to attend the BUST show. I've been in London for two months now (moved from Canada) and shut down my Etsy shop. Didn't bring any of my supplies over and haven't even been able to find a wool shoppe. Nor good art supplies (TIGER oil pastels just don't cut the mustard). Being at the show made me realize there's a HUGE collective of like-minded creative people in this city; i just need to find and tap into the community.
I'm so glad that your rented space paid off! I'm not sure which booth you were – there were so many amazing ones – but I bet I was one of the two at some point!