First snow of winter

So today it snowed like most of the rest of england this doesn’t come as much of a surprise now i guess, but i love the snow i am quite lucky i didn’t have to battle into work on the underground today like most days.

I didn’t just stalk the bloke in the green boubor jacket he’s my younger brother who is alot taller then me (i know) we went for a bit of a wander to gain some inspiration and fresh air.

The snow makes everything look wonderful, i think i like the fact it create rosey cheeks and cold tootsies, reminds me of being young again and it makes me feel rather festive. We didn’t get as much snow as the north down here in london but its enough to stop the trains working and the roads to become unsurpassable.
I have been working on few illustration projects at the moment, i find that it is this time of the year that i am the most inspired to work. I think it is because christmas is coming up and they are my happiest memories of childhood.

Above is a little watercolour sketch i have been working on, based around the fleet foxes winter Hymnal  lyrics. Always inspires me…..Have a little watch



  1. December 2, 2010 / 4:44 pm

    Oh Fleet Foxes! Hehe I can't stop replaying that song either!
    My mom turned me on to it…
    Nice illo. Cool trees!

  2. December 2, 2010 / 4:57 pm

    so pretty, i love how vintage your pictures look. plus your watercolour is beautiful! i hope you are okay!? xx

  3. December 2, 2010 / 6:17 pm

    Aw your photos are so lovely. And those illustrations are amazing <3

  4. December 2, 2010 / 6:21 pm

    snow envy!!! we have none 🙁

  5. December 2, 2010 / 10:21 pm

    oh bless you guys. such a nice song. we just have mega ice here.

  6. December 4, 2010 / 7:01 pm

    these watercolours are just so delicate and beautiful xx

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