Flowery shirt : michael sobel charity shop
vest : Newlook
Necklace sobel : RubyRaeLove
Today i got some rather shit news about my MA and it looks likely that i wont be doing it because i cannot totally fund it myself. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be at the moment, so i have decided to carry on with RubyRaeLove sold my first festival head-dress today and i have re-stocked them.
I am feeling massively down today and i bit of a failure, its hard to keep pushing myself and i don’t often get like this, I just feel a bit lost at the moment. Sorry.
Ohhh Ella don't be down! You're such a talented lady, and as much as I know this funding rejection is bad news for you, I think things can only work in your favour – and maybe even better doors will open this year for you, especially with all of this fab jewellery you've been designing [which judging from the comments everybody loves!!]
Keep your head up love, things'll work out 🙂
something great will come out of it, you will have time to devote to other things. who knows where that will lead
I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling down 🙁 try not to worry I'm sure it'll all work out in the end, funding is horrible at the moment but keep going, your work is wonderful xxx
I'm sorry to hear about your MA but you can maybe try to do it in a e=years time after saving up more money of something. sometimes uni's offer grants and stuff so maybe you could look into that. hope you cheer up soon, I know it's hard to not feel down about it all but maybe something will pop up that you wouldn't have been able to do because of the MA and now you have a chance =)
Bow Dream Nation xx
Hey Ella, I love your blog!! The girl is so cute, and looks just like you!!
The weekend is almost here, hope you will feel better soon. 🙂
The Cat Hag
hi, am a new reader of your blog. i know what you mean about the MA. i want to one but cannot fund it. dont worry too much.
love your blog by the way. very cute.
e x
Hi there,
Only discovered your blog a few days ago and I just wanted to say how lovely it is; I've enjoyed everything I've read so far and the jewellery you make is absolutely gorgeous.
You're very talented and I'm sure you have a great future ahead of you, with or without the MA! I had bad news with mine too, as I failed to get the funding I really needed this year. I'm going to try again next year.
Good luck with everything and please feel free to drop me an e-mail or something if you feel like a chat.
Cheer up;-)
Lovely blog and shirt
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I hope everything is okay <3 I'm sure it'll all work out for the best xx
Not getting funding doesn't take away how talented you truly are, and an MA isn't the be all and end all, it's certainly becoming harder and harder to be a student. I hope you feel better soon and keep making beautiful things 🙂 x