Top : H&M
Skirt/dress : internacionale
Necklace : Vintage
Ring : Vintage
Bracelet : All over
Belt : vintage
Notebook/pen (diy) : paperchase
So i have been busying myself with little projects it really is a great way to mend a broken heart and yes i know it has been two months (a week since my heart was truly broken) since said break up but give a girl a chance to moan he he, i am only joking all is well, and i have a massive pizza to enjoy tonight i have 3 brothers and a sister and they are all out tonight (well katy is in egypt for work) so i am an only child for one night in with my parents this is a rarity, so i think i will enjoy my massive pizza and my parents company. I really am a stay at home sort of girl i have pimped my bedroom out with the lights and new pillows etc to make me feel tidy (wont last long) above and i am making the most of my last day off from work. I look rather depressed in the picture above but assure you i am not, call it my intelligent look….lol
I often wondered what you lovelies think of me mainly posting pictures of my face? i would really love to do more outfit posts but i can never get the images to really work for me… i always seem to take pictures with out any make up on, i was reading Aylse blogpost about before and after make up and it has really made me think about how important is it to other bloggers about make up. I had never really thought out it before, i am a bit of tomboy and i can go days without wearing make up, i kind of prefer not to wear it but, sometimes i have to. I just wondered if many bloggers take photos with out their make-up on?
I had a wonderful little chat on the phone with lily, about life and exam stresses it so good to be able to have a conversation with another blogger, it makes you feel like they are real, its rather weird because we have never met, but i love her all the same she is super fab and she is doing a little competition over at h&m t-shirts so head over and vote Here is my entry Feathers and Love please vote for everyone that votes i will give them a discount of 10% over at my rubyraeLove shop
p.s. i am hoping to go to brighton fashion week, lyzi tried to get me in as her a +1 but couldnt i am still desperately wanted to go so i am hoping i am not at work that week fingers crossed tomorrow i will find out if i can go…..
really hoping you do come along to BFW. Even if i can't go we will HAVE to meet for a coffee! (Well i don't drink cofee but a teeeeea) xxxxxx
the only thing that will mend a broken heart is time and falling in love again. If you ever need to talk to someone or have a good old moan with just email me! Lovely h&m top 🙂 x
I have no make-up on in a lot of my photos. I just don't like the fuss if I'm honest. Mm, pizza always helps everything. I voted for you sweetie. Really hope you keep your chin up love.
I don't bother with too much make up either and have done a post or two without a trace of anything on! I like all your photos, it's nice to see pics of your room and jewellery anyway 🙂 Love your mug, I have one that says "I'd rather be drinking cider" 😀 xx
I love your header (: how did you do it?
come check out my blog?
I think time is really important in mending a broken heart. Take some time and focus on yourself. What makes you happy, you know? I'm not saying to become self centered, but spend time with yourself. Really learn about who you are and do your own thing. Treasure and pamper yourself!
I always thought your pictures looked just fine and I don't think you need makeup either. You're blessed with good skin and such!