I am in a wonderfully great mood, not really sure why and how long it will last for so i thought i would embrace the moment he he! I have just decided to purchase the new Red Velvet E-course, about elsie and emma’s dream job, it is a step by step course for starting and developing your own voice in business. I am so excited about this because i can now have the confidence and advice to get things started.
So as of today that is my focus and to get my dream up and running, i have decided that i want to re-brand RubyRaeLove and my blog so i will be working most of the hours god sends me saving and creating inspiring and great things. I have new ideas and features for my Blog.
If you haven’t yet visited Elsie’s wonderful blog and online shop you really really should she is the most inspiring and self-less blogger and person i have ever come across please head over to her blog and have a lookie. She runs red velvet a little shop, and it is my dream too. To one day have my own little shop and a coffee shop attached that sells vintage and hand-made creations. I am determined to make this happen, now that i don’t really have any other commitments other then work and my little online business. Time to get my new notebook out and start planning wish me luck x
You draw so well x
Good for you my dear! I've been feeling a little down about my business really, it's such hard work running your own business but I can't think of anything else I'd want to do so am going to do everything I can to try and make it work. Hope everything continues to go well for you, going to head over to Elsie's blog now. 🙂
I can't wait to see what you come up with, and thats such a beautiful illustration!
AHHHH this post made me smile, I am so glad you are going for your dream (loool cheesy line there Rose) but it's true! do what you have to do to make it happen.
Ah i woudl so love to own a little shop and of course a tea room next to it..Imagine how nice that would be! and the tea of course hehe.
Good luck with it all and i shall be following your whole journey 😀
good luck with everything, i really hope it all goes well for you 🙂 xx (p.s; my captcha code thing for this post was kniple – HA!)
all the best with your new idea, the little shop sounds so adorable. I know if anything similar opened up nearby, I'd definitely pay a visit (more likely live there!)
the drawing's amazing too, I can never ever draw bicycles! very jel.
It's so nice to hear your in a great mood and that you are close to your dream. I'll be sure to check out the links you posted and I love your little bicycle sketch 🙂
That sounds like such a great dream! I can't wait to hear about it when you finally do it. It definitely sounds like the sort of place I'd love to visit!
Really like your drawing too, you're very talented 🙂 xxx
Good for you! wishing you heaps of inspiration and energy for your new venture. love that bike pic too 🙂
I'm sure you will get there, you're so talented and determined and that's what counts! x
Can I work in your shop, PLEASE?! It sounds perfect. I love Elsie's blog and she's definitely got an inspiring life. Good luck rebranding!
I love bicycle drawings, for some strange reason. Maybe it's all those simple shapes combined together to make machinery?
Nicely done! I like the type, too.
Good luck, wish you all the best with it. It's a dream of mine too ^^
wow. your good at drawing! love your blog. please check out mine ♥