Dear Diary

Dear best friend
who is moving away without me, i wish to god i had more money, and that you didn’t feel so alone, i hope to move soon with you we will one day end up back together i promise.

Dear little brother
I know you will have a wonderful time at uni, we will be fine at home when you are not here, don’t worry so much.

Dear Right arm
i wish you didn’t hurt so much so i can start writing my book and remember what its like to actually complete a drawing.

Dear Polaroid camera
I wish I had more film for you, and that i hadn’t wasted taking pictures of my feet in those cool gold shoes, you live and learn.

Dear winter
please don’t be wet, be winter with snow and cold mornings.

Dear Brain
stop thinking things over to much, things will happen in time.

Dear Betty
I miss you, why did you have to be so flammable, and why cant i find the perfect caravan ebay is filled with people far too good at out bidding me!



  1. September 17, 2011 / 11:34 am

    This is such a cute post! hope you find a new caravan soon 🙂

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