
I have spent most of yesterday and today finishing off 2 illustrations, they are frustrating me, you know when you have a finished product in your head and its not getting there it can be the most annoying thing ever. Well the above image is one of the annoying illustrations i am happy with the skirt but the ladies head isn’t going to plan.

I have a rather exciting little project in the pipe line, I don’t want to say too much about it but it includes my illustrations and jewellery two of my favorite things which i am really excited about.

I decided to wear one of my new dresses, this one is from Primark and it is covered in birds i love this dress is was a tad pricey at £17 but it fits perfectly and its cute so the cutest of  the dress  over-rode the price. Naughty.



  1. October 14, 2011 / 11:05 am

    I love the birdie dress!!

    Your Illustration looks amazing!! x x

  2. October 14, 2011 / 12:07 pm

    That dress is amazing! I've seen a lot of nice stuff coming out of Primark recently.
    Absolutely loving your hair too at the moment. The colour, the fringe, the waves – perfect! Very jealous!
    That illustration looks unbelievable. I can barely draw a stickman. Would love to be even half as talented as you.
    Have a lovely weekend 🙂

  3. October 14, 2011 / 1:18 pm

    That dress is beyond adorable and your drawing looks fantastic!

  4. October 14, 2011 / 6:18 pm

    Ah I have such hair envy after seeing these pictures, you hair is fab!

  5. October 15, 2011 / 8:49 am

    loovely lovely lovely! i have serious hair envy right there!!
    lovely dress too

  6. October 18, 2011 / 4:40 am

    OBSESSED with this dress ! Looks SO beautiful on you ! x

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