a little Q&A sesh.

I thought i would do a little Q&A post i get a lot of emails a day asking me about certain things on my blog, so i will email back those of you who have asked me questions but to share with you all a few things.

Why did you start blogging?

To begin with it started off as a free space to share my work with everyone back on 2007, and then after a while i started to share more of my life with my followers, it really evolved from my love of sharing ideas, knowledge and creativity. It now is probably one of my favorite things to do.

What camera do you use? 

I use a Nixon D40 its a really lovely camera light and really easy to use. I use 2 lenses 18-55mm & 55- 200mm.  I take all my own photos, some of the outfit shots are done using a tri-pod

How do you edit your photos?

I use the toy camera app analogcolour for  mac its pretty simple to use, i also edit my pictures in photoshop .

Can i hire you for a commission?

I occasionally take commissions but i am currently a little to busy to deal with all the request, i will soon be able to once again do personal commissions and blog commissions

What are your favorite blogs?

Rockstar diaries

Delightfully Tacky

Being little

Little chief honeybee

Why are you now offering advertising space?

My blog has been evolving steadily for the last 3 years, the purpose is so i can use the sponsorship to help me reach my velvet feather mobile shop dream, as much as my other jobs add to this fund, i spend just as many hours writing my posts so to offset the cost of running the blog i thought it would be a good idea to start sharing advertising space.

the sponsorships will always be relevant to my own interests, i want to help smaller blogs (and larger) develop and share readership and to also be able to share great hand-made shops with my readers.

How do i request an advertising space?

There are 3 types of spaces, large, medium and small

all varying in prices perfect for the christmas period,You can find more out here also if you fancy one for december head over to my contact page.

Can we exchange Badges?

I have put on my blog a little code for you to grab a badge, i do sometimes do exchanges please just drop me and email and i will work out if i have any space after paid space on the blog.

Can i send you something to put in an outfit post or to write about on your blog?

This blog isn’t a a fashion blog (i am not that fashionable lol)  but please feel free to send me an email so we can discuss things.

Is your hair naturally curly?

Well it use to be dead straight but after the hair disaster of 2003 it has been curly ever since ( they cut my long hair very short and its never grown back straight) I don’t use any products in it, and sometimes i can go days without brushing it, i wash it about twice a week and only dye it occasionally and i normally cut my own hair.

What is your job?

I am a teaching assistant a secondary school, i also will be helping teach jewellery and fashion illustration lessons at the shipshape studios in northwood run by the wonderful emily and adam. 

And i run 2 buisness rubyraelove and Velvet feather

Could i feature you on my site or in an interview?

of course  just drop me an email and we can sort something out.

What size feet do you have?

size 3-4 sometimes a size 2 and occasionally if my feet are having a skinny day i fit into some H&M kids shoes.

I hope that answers i few of your emails and questions for me if you have any others please just drop them in the comment box. 



  1. November 26, 2011 / 9:52 am

    Aww you have tiny feet!!

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