
Howdy lovelies…i’ve been enjoying my little impromptu break from blogging, its been most enjoyable. You are probably wondering why i did…just because i could. Instagram has been my mini blog on the move _ellamasters_ i know plenty of people have it but its perfect for sharing lovely things with people, especially conversations i have with Ashleigh god i love her!

My days off worked have been filled with lots of commissions and working on my tattoo portfolio, so chilled out compared to my days working. As we speak i am in my studio listening to my record player and drawing. Its good to be back blogging. 



  1. April 12, 2012 / 6:31 pm

    love the nose ring and your hair looks really volumous and lovely!

    glad your back – ive missed reading your posts!

    lucy xx

  2. April 12, 2012 / 7:11 pm

    You look gorgeous here 🙂 nice to have you back x

  3. April 13, 2012 / 9:52 am

    Welcome back! x

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