Here is a sneak peak into my work bag for a day. As I am a teaching assistant by day i always have to carry with me extra little bits for my lessons, like the prompt jigsaw piece cards to help children with dyslexia and students books for marking, so you can assume that I have to take a large bag to work and you would be right. I have to carry a bag with me everywhere i go even if its to pop to the local shops. This what’s in my bag is a little boring because of the amount of paper work and bits and pieces but i do always love to carry with me a bright colourful notebook for when i have a few minutes to myself before lessons start so I can get planning my emails and posts. You are probably wonderiny why I carry around my ipod and iphone and not combine the two, but for some reason my Iphone refuses to sync to my Mac and itunes so alas if i want music I have to keep my iphone.
Have you done a what’s in my work bag post before…if you have it would be lovely to share with everyone….
I love your bag, such a nice shape x
That bag is divine! Your blog is gorgeous! xx
Fist: i love your bag and your notebook!!
And second.. i love this kind of picture, with a bag and its contents!! ((: dont know why xD
nice blog btw!
I love noseying into other's bags and rooms etc. You take such pretty pictures Ella!
Love the banner! 🙂 and your bag is so adorable!
I always love 'whats in my bag' photos, as I'm incredibly nosey!
I've done a 'what's in mt bag' post but it doesn't look as pretty as yours. I love the bag, is that the one from the car boot sale your sister got you?
Also, loving the new illustration banner ^_^
Lisamello xx
I love seeing what other people carry around in their handbags! Your bag is really nice.
Your bag is really gorgeous!
i love this post 🙂 i've just done a what's in my bag post too, they're so much fun! your bag is amazing, and i love how colourful that notebook is xx
This is one of my fav type of posts!!! U have a super cool bag! and very pretty stuff inside =))
I think i'll do something like this soon too =)
ねえ、超人気のグッチ 財布が入荷しました!!オフホワイト・ワインレッドの グッチ トートバッグが上品でエレガント!そんなに嬉しいです!!
この gucci バッグ、艷やかに光る表面にはコーティングが施され、キズや汚れがつきにくく実用性にも施されています!たくさん都会人のアイテムですよ!!これらのGucci 製品がどれもこれもすきだ!!ほんとに綺麗!!この機械を逃げさないだよ!!