2012 round up

So this year has been filled with fun personal achievements and blog achievements and other bits and pieces. I thought I would take the time to share the what I have been upto you click through the images for the relevant posts.

Paris with Lyzi 

I ventured to paris with lyzi and met some new friends will, and kelly, first time in about seven years since I have be abroad lots, of fun.

Confidence to outfit blog

Finally finding the confidence to blog outfit photos, this year I did loose weight ( which i might of gained back due to christmas) but I finally found some confidence to share photos of myself on here.

Illustration shop

I opened my little online Esty Illustration shop, which i am so happy with it is filled with lots of bearded men 

Magazine features

I was interviewed and featured in the beautiful Lion Heart magazine, I felt so honoured to be asked. 

I was also featured and illustrated for Aesthetic magazine

My own space

I finally got a little space to work in from home it has been a while since I have had my own space to work in 

New hair do

Nothing major but i think it marks a turning point in me.


I worked with the lovely Taylor Does on a collaboration with my little jewellery company RubyRaeLove ( which is a little empty at the moment)

Sharing D.I.Y creations 

I thought this year I should share a few  D.I.Y creations my moccasins were a massive hit on Tumblr and on pinterest, I still get emails about them now.


I decided this year I would spend time with my family, its the most important thing in the world to me, If it wasn’t for their support, I wouldn’t have the courage to do all the creative things i do and be myself. In February I visited my littlest brother who now loves down in Swansea, i miss him like crazy.

Awards and blog meet ups

Cosmo blog award

This year i was nominated in the category of best lifestyle blog for the cosmo blog awards, I didn’t win but I had such a lovely time meeting bloggers and some great people. 


I shared with you lovely lot some of my favourite recipes, I do love my food and drink, I think next year i might share some more.

A blog milestone

I reached 2,000 GFC readers over here on this little piece of internet i am so grateful for your on going support, its nice to see my little blog grow.


Designed a capsule collection with james lakeland also this was my first blogger event, (not really an event) but this meant a lot to me. Really helped me push myself out of my comfort zone. 

Working with wonderful Businesses 

This year I joined forces with selfridges to illustrate and create blog post for them, I really love working with them, and apparently my illustrated blog posts are a hit in the office (proud moment)

House of 1923

This year was wonderful getting to work with one of my oldest friends and her amazingly talented friend ( I am yet to share with you a little collab we did) but in July I was asked to work with them styling and providing the jewellery for their first collection for their company House of 1923 jenni also created me the beautiful embellished jacket I wore to the cosmo blog awards.

Sharing my blog

This is a major thing for me, i finally told my family that I run this little blog, after four years of blogging I finally got round to telling them when I was nominated for the Cosmo blog awards. In turn they told all their friends and my brothers and sisters told their so now I can’t escape people knowing. Its a very strange feeling after Four years of keeping this my secret outlet for my family to know but they have been so supportive. I finally made a facebook page for my blog 

Making Friends 

Last but not least getting to hang out with this lovely lady lyzi from being little , Paris was an awesome trip, she makes me laugh ( haha we aren’t in a relationship totes awks) but she is pretty awesome.

In other things of 2012

I finally entered the world of technology and got an iphone, I reached a year in my job in october which to me is a big thing. I had my heart broken but I am happy, I dropped two dress sizes, making new friends from all over the world, travelled to bristol for the first time this month. Sent lots of illustrations off around the world, first time in 5 years I haven’t visited cornwall this will change. Reached 2,000 twitter followers, meeting lots of lovely bloggers. 

I also had some fab sponsors and was invited to some lovely blogger meet ups and thank you to all the lovely shops, independent artists and creatives who have share their creations with me to share wit you lovely lot. 

Thank you for all your support you lovely readers, I hope you have enjoyed reading the things I have written and rambled on about. I hope to create even more exciting things for you to tune into in 2013.




  1. December 30, 2012 / 8:56 pm

    It looks like you had a really great year and came out of your comfort zone a lot. I'm a new follower, but I'm already excited to back through and read some of these posts. One of my resolutions for 2013 is to visit Paris, and seeing snippets of your trip made me more determined to do it. I hope you have a great 2013, I can't wait to see what you get up too!



  2. December 30, 2012 / 9:00 pm

    Gorgeous photos! Looks like you've had a brilliant year! Your pictures from Paris are beautiful! I really want to go one day, it looks stunning! xxx

  3. December 30, 2012 / 9:20 pm

    I'm so pleased you've had a good year! You deserve it. Your blog is one of the few I always come back to, and it's so nice to see how you're progressing and getting on πŸ™‚ Roll on 2013 xx

  4. December 30, 2012 / 9:35 pm

    You have achieved so much this year!
    Glad I stumbled across your blog a few months ago πŸ™‚
    Happy new year! xx

  5. December 30, 2012 / 11:23 pm

    This made me so happy to read! What a journey πŸ™‚

    – Keyta x

  6. December 30, 2012 / 11:43 pm

    Hehe we have the same thing on our round-up πŸ˜‰ (posting mine tomorrow) it was so lovely to met you then, hope we met up again soon. Here is to 2013 xx

  7. December 31, 2012 / 7:37 am

    You have a lovely blog and beautiful work, i ll be back in 2013!!

  8. December 31, 2012 / 12:52 pm

    Wow congratulations on your achievements this year Ella, sounds like you've done some amazing things :). Let's hope 2013 is just as good.

  9. December 31, 2012 / 3:26 pm

    This is an emotional post!!!! You have achieved so so much, you should be so proud…next year you might be running the country!!! πŸ˜‰

    Love your little blog space so very much. Sending you lots of love xxxx

  10. January 1, 2013 / 4:37 pm

    Sounds like it's been a great year, hope 2013 is even better for you! xx

  11. January 2, 2013 / 12:09 pm

    I hope writing this blog post has helped you realise how proud you should be of yourself! You're wonderful. And…. wait, we're NOT in a relationship? Awks. I thought we were… I'M HEART BROKEN. Love you lots, happy new year xxx

  12. January 4, 2013 / 1:00 pm

    Sounds like you've had an amazing year. It's really nice to watch the progression of your art and confidence (not in a creepy, stalky way, lol!) It gives me hope that I can get my butt in gear and do something similar πŸ™‚

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