New hair is the best way to boost you a little, so in true Ella style, i didn’t bother with the hairdressers I got good old mum to chop me a lovely blunt fringe, i always go back to my trusted block fringe, this was my look for about fifteen years whilst at school, I am not a fan of my forehead so I can’t deal with looking at my face without some sort of fringe.
I always find it a bit weird seeing pictures of myself with straight hair, I had never owned a pair of straighteners until ghd kindly gifted me these lovely Pink Cherry Blossom stylers My hair is naturally straight, but it does have a few kinks in it, when the weather is a bit damp, and lets face it thats everyday here in the uk, so these are perfect and I must admit that when i got to work with straight hair I occasionally take these with me.
I only ever occasionally straighten my hair, both my parents are divided on how they like me to style, mum likes it dead straight and my dad likes it curly, you can always rely on parents can’t you! so what do you think straight or curly?
I really like it! It suits you so well 🙂 xxx
I think you suit it both ways – lucky pup! It's such a gorgeous colour x
It looks super lovely!x
I really love the look of the Cherry Blossom GHD's. The fringe really suits you.
– Keyta
It's so funny how just straightening your hair or cutting in a fringe can change your appearance so drastically. Your hair looks so gorgeous here and I love it how you usually wear it too, you're lucky to have such long thick hair, sometimes it's all I dream of!
I am desperate for some GHDs and even got as far as ordering some at Christmas but ASOS lost my order and then they were out of stock so I couldn't afford a different pair. Sore subject!!
I LOVE your hair like this + your makeup is so lovely! xo
You look gorgeous! I am so jealous of your hair… xo
I love that they have pink plates! You look lovely either way x
ella, you're looking lovely!
I went the whole hog a while ago and chopped a fringe MYSELF! With bent scissors and everything (turned out well luckily!) Just felt like being a little wild I suppose – it's liberating. Yours looks really gorgeous! I adore your posts xxx
You look incredible! That style is amazing on you! Your hair always looks wonderful! xxx
Curly or straight, love the fringe!
You look lovely with straight hair and a fringe! 🙂
The ghd's look cute in pink too!
A fringe looks so lovely on you it makes me want one again!
Sophs xx
The Sopho Diaries
You are lucky and suit it both straight and curly! Looks nice straight for a change though and fringe looks fab.
Debbie x
It looks lovely and sleek styled that way! could compromise with having it straight down to your shoulders, then let the bottom do its thing. still styled straight, but boho? xx
You look gorgeous!! Wish I could pull off a full fringe with out looking like a 5 year old.
Liss xx
You look so lovely! I would love a fringe, but annoying I have TWO cowslicks (cheers, genes) so as my childhood pictures prove, any fringe just turns into curtains. Nice. Very jealous of yours!!!
I do both curly and straight hair too and I like both on you as well. You look so different with straight hair! x
Welcome to the fringe crewww! 😀 you look very lovely indeed
I like your fringe with straight her but curly is lovely as well so be lucky that you can have both!
You look GORGEOUS with straight hair! Wow!
Firstly love love love the fringe!!! I love your waves, sort of goes with your fashion style i think – a little bit mussed up and worn, which i love. But you lok so beautiful with straight hair and sleeker makeup, i can imagine it being useful for special occasions and the like.
you look fab my dear xxxx
I really, really like your hair like this, you look so pretty. x
Looks so lovely on you! I got a fringe cut in recently and it's made all the difference to my confidence 🙂
I like it both ways! I think it's nice to know that from one day to the next you can haver both styles of hair, depending on your mood! I'm going for plaited curls for tomorrow, though my hair is super curly and then I'm going to wave it for valentines day! That's the beauty of GHDs on curly hair!
Also, SUPER loving the fringe right now! XO
you look gorgeous! amazing hair!! 🙂
You look lovely with straight hair! GHD's are great for trying out all sorts of styles, I love curling mine with it!
louisejoyb x
Gorgeous! Love this! Slightly bouffed up, straight hair with a blunt fringe is my go-to style too. I've just been brave enough to grow my fringe out after a good few years! L x
really need some straighteners, and ghds are the best… wish they werent so pricey! love your hair straight
Your hair is gorgeous
A little bit Unique
Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here
i'm so glad i came across your blog, its so pretty and so are you.
Pink ghds? Jealous!
This, to me, is the perfect hair. Lovely and thick, blunt fringe, bit of texture. I have hair envy right now!
I hate my forehead and have had fringes but they never look quite right, probably as my hair isn't thick enough.X
I always have a soft spot for full fringes 🙂
Yours looks awesome as well as your straight hair <3
I love the bangs!
I love curly and straight. I have unpredictable wavy hair. I can either brush it out or it'll have kinks. It's nice to have the option for both styles!
Happy Valentine's Day!
oooh your hair looks amazing!
Love your fringe! I couldn't live without my GHD's! I think you look lovely either way 🙂 xxx
You hair looks beautiful, and I especially love the colour! Do you dye it? If so can I be ever so cheeky and ask which hair dye you use? I'm currently blonde but thinking about going dark, I'm just trying to find shades I like 🙂
I would be ever so greatful if you could let me know 🙂
Amy xx
A Little Boat Sailing
I LOVE my ghd! Its the most amazing thing 🙂
I am hosting a Beauty Bloggers blog hop every weekend if you would like to come along and link up!
I love your hair!
You look beautiful Ella! Bonsoir from France (;