Snap shots from my days via my iphone, I have been working on a few new ideas to past the time during my half term. My new look blog shall be ready at the end of the week, so excited I can’t even contain it. I will also be doing a lot more art/craft tutorials if there is anything in particular you would like me to teach please just leave a comment so I can get around to creating videos and tutorials, maybe you want to learn water colours, sketching, painting, what ever it is just drop a little comment.
I have been a little poorly today, due to a silly migraine, but after a late night last night creating a dummy version for my new zine, i got the paintings done ready to be turned into prints and zines, i am embracing a new style, what do you think?
I also went on a bit of a cleaning spree on Tuesday, re-vamping my studio and room ready for the boyfriends arrival at the weekend, so looking forward to taking him around london. Currently the state of it isn’t the nicest, hello printer and prints spread around the room with my screen printing equipment i am such a messy person! The prints will hopefully be available in my etsy shop along with my notebooks by this weekend, I’ve only gone and got myself a new SD card and a professional lighting studio kit to take photos the world is my oyster!
I really like the style of those paintings, I'd love to go to Paris one day, I imagine it was so wonderfully inspirational when you traveled there. My friend is keen on going but it feels daunting in a sense going somewhere abroad when you're not great with the lingo! I suppose it's an ultimate test of your comfort zone though so pushing yourself only makes you stronger in a sense. L
ooking forward to the zine! I've been thinking of creating one and have a few ideas in mind. I've never attempted anything like that before though so still in the head scratch stage at the minute haha. I bought some lino boards and such and I'm having fun muckin about with those. I'll see what I come up with! My Etsy is still on my mind too… I wish I had your motivation to see things through Ella I really do!
i wouldn't mind tutorials on using watercolours and acrylics, it'd be interesting for me to watch how you work i think!
robyn x
The tattooed man picture…is that a developed screen?? if so it would be cool to see your process. i used to have my own screen print studio set up in my garage, then i moved out into a flat….no space, sad face.
i love seeing other artists way of working 🙂
they look great! 🙂
You are just crazy talented, you should start illustrating bloggers for them fr a price, i'd buy one 🙂
Kelly ||
Your illustrations are so sweet! When I run into a bit more money, I hope to buy some of your prints because they're just so awesome! I hope you're feeling better too 🙂
Chlo –
Hey, great post! I Just came across your blog and I love it, your style is amazing!
I hope you can check out my blog too. Hopefully we can also follow each other as well if you would like to 🙂
Wow all of your designs are so beautiful, you're very talented <3
Charlotte xx