I bought new lipstick and it made me so happy that i even wore it just to finish my commission work and business emails. Its always nice when something small and probably really insignificant can make you smile. looking good always makes me feel better. My brother bought me a bright red Kate Moss lipstick, ( i sent him to buy me one) he made a brilliant choice. Remember its the little things in life.
Illustration by Ella Masters do not re-post, steal or reuse without my consent all rights reserved copywrite of Ella Masters 2013
I actually had a bad day yesterday and am trying to decide on a lipstick to buy to cheer me up…! I know some people thing it's silly, but getting a little something like a lipstick is really such a wonderful little pick me up 🙂
<3, <3, <3,
I don't like lipstick that much, but I agree. Little things like choosing a lipstick is a great way to boost happiness. 🙂
I absolutely love your illustrations! <3
xo Kisty
It really is the little things,
My boyfriend brought me a 99p cactus I wanted it once, and held it on a 7 hour coach journey so it didn't get squished. BEst present i've ever had.
Your SUCH a good illustrator, really i am so jealous of you.
Kelly || DayDreamsDaisyChains.com
I love this illustration Ella, it's so cute! I agree, sometimes you just need a little treat to cheer you up. xxx
Love this! Your illustration is wonderful as always Ella! And what lies behind it is so true, it really is the little things in life that make the difference! xxx
Aaw, this illustration is so cute! I love it!
Lipstick makes me happy too!
It really is the little things!
Emily / Glittery Teacups
How perfect!! and I LOVE this illustration!! xo
I love things like this, it's the small things that make life great x