ella masters : July From my desk

My desk is a mess, a mass of scribbles and ripped pieces of paper, I’ve been working like crazy on new designs for my new label, frantically scribbling my ideas into various notebooks hoping to get all my ideas on paper, the frustration of having too many ideas and not enough time and hands to scribble it down on. But I am finally enjoying being inspired its been too long.

Re-discovering my love for working in pro markers, I spent my entire second year of my degree creating pieces solely with pro markers. If you have no idea what they are check them out, best for intense colour also i use aqua markers.  It has allow me to branch into new styles which is always fun, like my point work on me broken heart club collection, yep dedicated to all my failed dates….they were for a good reason. Hopefully these will all be made into limited edition tote bags and t-shirts, hence the single colour.

I am also working on some fun commissions for a few lovely companies and magazines that I am super stoked about, getting my new work out there feels great. Also the horse doddle is for Rhiannon’s next tattoo…which we doddled whilst sat munching on fries in the diner!

Plus in other truly wonderful news I have a new camera after the heart break of my trusty D40’s demise I purchased a new compact Sony Cyber shot and its the best purchase I have made. So these are the first photos from the new camera, so no more rubbish I phone photos, hence the blog silence I just can’t bare to share rubbish photos.Oh how i have missed sharing snippets of my life with you all.



  1. July 19, 2014 / 9:09 pm

    Everything just looks incredible Ella. Your work always blows me away and yet makes me smile at the same time x


  2. July 28, 2014 / 12:15 pm

    Oh my goodness those look so great! Coincidentally, I just ordered my very first set of watercolor supplies and inks last night because I've been obsessed lately with making tattoo flash style illustrations 🙂 I'm so excited to see more of these from you! I love your style and that Fries Before Guys piece is fantastic!!!

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