Illustrated people project : submissions

All of you probably know I am rather passionate about tattoos, tattooing as an art and I especially love knowing the history and stories behind other peoples tattoos, so here we go. I will be opening my blog to submissions from awesome tattooed people as well as tattooists and artist.

Illustrated people project (that’s the name) will be a positive look at the art of tattooing and allowing people a platform to share their work, ink and stories with my readers.

So Ella, why are you telling us this? Get on and blog? well I can’t without any lovely illustrated people now can I? This is where you lovely lot come in….

Do you have tattoos? are you willing to share your stories, share your photos and your work? if you are and you have some lovely ink please don’t hesitate to contact me at 

ellas_blog (@)

Just a little info…I have had a lot of interest already and it has only been live for about 5 minutes, if you want to be involved, it would be fab if you had your own camera to snap some photos if you have been selected to take part. If you live in London, photo shoots/interviews will be arranged.

Also If you are interested in this, please drop me a comment below.  I want to share all different kinds of work, as I am sure my lovely readers would love to see what you have permanently adorned your body with….So whats stopping you?

You still have a day to enter the Kewpie GiveAway 




  1. July 27, 2014 / 8:57 pm

    I've told you before, but I'm so down for this project! I'll be emailing you shortly!

  2. July 28, 2014 / 10:55 am

    Awesome project idea. I only have two tattoos but I'm interested… Will email you later. X

  3. July 30, 2014 / 8:24 pm

    This is exactly the kind of project I would love to see/do myself. The stories behind tattoos are what make them so awesome:) Thank you Ella!

  4. August 5, 2014 / 4:15 pm

    This is one of the best ideas for a project I've seen, I always love hearing the stories behind people's tattoos but sometimes feel too rude to ask! I'll be emailing you later this evening about mine đŸ™‚

    A Hundred Miles Home

  5. August 7, 2014 / 7:55 pm

    I've been wanting to get a tattoo for ages! I'm very indecisive and cannot decided what I want, though I have ideas, I absolute love this idea.

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