Mister Finch for Anthropologie

Last week I had the joy of attending an event run by Anthropolgie in conjunction with Mister Finch, too say i was excited is probably an understatement.

So the event was run by Anthropologie and hosted by the lovely Mister Finch who was also exhibiting in the windows of the Kings Road store. So full of mince pies and lovely Mulled wine me and Lisette set to work making our little Christmas jumper. So we were directed by Mr Finch set us a little task of making our own Christmas jumpers. Now my sewing isn’t exactly the neatest but the atmosphere was welcoming and friendly so we made the most of the beautiful space and got sewing. 

We got too chose what fabric we wanted to make our little jumpers out of, I opted for a pale green velvet and lovely patterned fabric and Lisette went for a William Morris style cotton fabric and a deep turquoise velvet fabric. We chatted a lot and sipped our Mulled wine from the prettiest Anthropolgie cups. I think we all fell a little bit in love with tiny coat hangers, the eye for detail hey! Mister Finch himself was so helpful and hilarious, we got to read and flick through his lovely book, I just wish I had has sewing ability. My jumper did look a little but thrown together but the other ladies at the event created some beautiful and very artistic with embroidered Christmas lights and Haute Couture style glitzy jumpers.

After the event had finished and we had packed our little jumpers away we got to walk around the store, anyone who knows me knows how much of a fan of Anthropologie I am, so getting to wander around the store after hours went a little to my head and I bought myself a present or two oopsie! But just look at how beautiful everything is!



  1. December 25, 2014 / 8:22 pm

    Gutted I couldn't be here too. Looks so much fun!!! You and your blog introduced me to the gorgeousness that is Anthropologie, LOVE there mugs 🙂

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