refueling your creativity : Getting out

I kinda promised myself I would get out of the house a lot more, when you freelance from home it can get a little stifling and some watch dull day after day sat staring at my walls and endless series on Netflix, its also not that good for my damn chunky thighs. So yesterday I threw on my running shoes grabbed my trusty back pack and headed out. Dressed very much like I had left the house in days (didn’t really care) wandered aimlessly for a while, camera in hand and a back pack filled with sketchbooks. I am very lucky to live near the biggest woods in Greater London, fresh air, nature and freezing hands what more could you want?

I find a lot of my ideas come when I am not thinking about work, recently I have been rather stressed in my personal life so any excuse to dust off the cobwebs and not feel like a complete failure I will. It was freezing yesterday as I climbed a massive hill to the woods, feet caked in mud which to me is a good sign of a proper walk. I finally settled in the Cemetery (promise I’m not a goth) and doodled away yes the doodles were rubbish but its nice to create work without a solid purpose other then I wanted to fill the page with colour and line plus the colours of the leaves and fresh air are always great for cheering up anyone. 

For me, going for a walk is great way to switch off my mind and its free I’ve got some top tips for getting out and staying creative.

– Head to a local Art Gallery, most are often free and i find very calming environments.

– Head to a coffee shop with a sketchbook and chill out for an hour or two,

– Switch your phone off, that includes twitter, facebook and good old instagram.

– Have some time for yourself.

– Go somewhere educational, museum, exhibition, botanical garden.

– Enjoy time away from work, don’t feel guilty for not being glued to your desk, you are allowed time to refuel and gain new inspiration

What are your top tips for refueling your creativity?



  1. February 5, 2015 / 12:25 pm

    Well done you! I tried to spend some time outside but it's really too brrrrrrr. I like that you're just doodling and don't care if other people might like it. I definitely recommend doing something and then tell no one 😉 x

  2. February 5, 2015 / 1:55 pm

    I love this post! I started a (mostly) nature photography blog recently,and it's keeping me busy outdoors for sure. I love your photos!!!

  3. February 5, 2015 / 5:37 pm

    When I need to get out the house, I go to the cemetery down the road. It is so peaceful and calm. There are always squirrels and rabbits too which are fun to watch. There are some photos on my blog from there too.

  4. February 5, 2015 / 11:22 pm

    Creativity hasn't struck me for a while so I'm definitely going to try out some of your tips. I'll be hitting up the National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh this weekend so hopefully inspiration will be lurking in there.

    Raise The Waves

  5. February 6, 2015 / 10:09 am

    I'm a freelancer too plus I have social anxiety which means I'd actually rather stay inside (I probably picked the freelance life for this particular reason hahaa…). I don't really like being in public places on my own but in the last year, I've been trying to get out and pretend to have a social life at least once a week! My boyfriend runs comedy nights so I've been going to as many as possible and the anxiety is getting so much better!
    My next goal is to feel comfortable doing exactly what you did – going out and not caring that people might be like 'why is that weird girl taking photos of a tree?' (which they're probably not anyway – no one cares Meg! haha) anyway, it's for instagram you guys duhhhh!
    Thanks for this post, it reminded me that I really need to start venturing out on my own again 🙂
    Meg, Optical Intake

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