My evening routine

Ever since going freelance and not having to get up at a set time (yes I do try my hardest to wake up before 7am) my evenings have become somewhat close to an all nighter blogging, working and stressing about the next days events. After late nights turn to unproductive morning I decided the only way for me to make the most of my days would be to set up an evening/before bed routine so my body gets those important eight hours kip. Its simple and pretty straight forward but its something I had come to neglect and wanted to share with ouy. 

It starts with a simple taking my make-up off routine, I use Sodashi clay cleanser with Lime to cleanse my face and the Rejuvenating face and next moistruiser,  after months of awful break outs and dry skin this beautiful stuff is really doing the trick. Once my face is sorted, I find the baggiest top ever and cuddle up in bed with a good book and my notebook so I can get thoughts that are plaguing my mind down and all my inspiring ideas.

Ella’s current must read – “How to be Parisian * where ever you are”

I am currently reading “How to be Parisian” which I have read for the fourth time – and alas I am still not as chic as Caroline de Maigret – le sigh. I find reading a book before drifting off calms me down and reading makes me sleepy so its a perfect combo. I try to avoid my phone and laptop as the fake light tricks your brain into thinking its not bed time, but Chris was wishing me good night so I make exceptions sometimes…

Finding what works for you to relax you before bed is whats important, I’m not one for drifting off straight away so maybe you could

– Read a book

– Use an app that has soothing noises

– Write everything down before bed so you aren’t stressed

– Herbal tea or warm milk might help

– Fresh bed sheets are the best

– Lavender is calming and meant to aid sleep

I hope these tips have helped slightly and forgive my no make up face, but its got to be done sometime. 



  1. February 25, 2015 / 9:50 am

    Night time routines are adorable, I love reading at night – it makes me sleepy 🙂 I also like to write down what I enjoyed about my day, have you tried that? 🙂 x

  2. February 25, 2015 / 9:54 am

    great tips! i always find it so hard to wind down before bed!

    Rachel // Style Soup

  3. February 25, 2015 / 4:41 pm

    Smooth waxed legs on fresh bed linen is for sure one of things that guarantee a good night's sleep for me. Always works! You look so cute btw 🙂


  4. February 25, 2015 / 10:57 pm

    sounds like a perfect nighttime routine!!!

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