Top tips and advice for accepting yourself


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“You bring just as much awesomeness as anyone who has graced this Earth”


I’m going to get all deep with you over here for Wednesday having a  mid week musing, after 15 years of hating what I look like finally decided to accept myself, yep there I said it. I was on the phone to my best mate when I blurted out to her “I love what I look like” after chatting about a recent failed relationship where I figured for once it wasn’t that I wasn’t good enough (surprisingly happens all the time with me hating on myself) to which my mate of eight years responded “I’ve been telling you this from day one!” our brains certainly does like to twist things doesn’t it?!  


I like what I see when I look in the mirror and for some reason the other day I felt braggy for saying that but confidence comes from within, honesty with yourself is important. I can see the person I was and who I wanted to be reflected in my face. I’m far from perfect and I am working towards little goals of happiness and fun, fully aware like everything else in life it isn’t handed to you on a plate and I think even if it was I wouldn’t take it willingly. I’ve never been a big fan of myself looks wise, I’m the first to put myself down when needed but I’m on a path of learning and new thinking, I’m from a large family and my sister being the girly girl, I just never figured myself as being attractive it’s just like anything you learned you can unlearn it and start a new way of thinking.


Don’t get me wrong I have odd moments where I wish my boobs were a little bigger (again) or I was taller but I figured there’s no real fun in wanting things that aren’t ever going to happen. We should really be happy and grateful for what we have been blessed with. There will always be someone out there slimmer, prettier and smarter then you, but at the end of the day they aren’t you. there is only one of you and you bring just as much awesomeness as anyone who has graced this Earth. Don’t water yourself down just because you don’t think yourself worthy or good enough. Accept yourself, flaws and all.

Here are my top tips and advice for accepting yourself. 


– Make a list of lovely things about you, cut them up (can be anything smallest to the biggest,) pop them in a jar and keep hold of them, when you start doubting yourself pull one out and read it aloud. 

– Get out of your head and back into the moment.  

– Buy yourself good fitting clothes, something that makes you feel sassy, hello new Zara Faux leather jacket for added sassiness. 

– Be aware of your faults, but realise they are only part of you and you aren’t a failure you’re human.

-You cant please everyone all the time simple, 

– Nurture your well being 

– Give yourself a break

– You carry yourself with you everywhere look after yourself

– Don’t be too tough on yourself but always strive to be better today then you was yesterday.


1 Comment

  1. September 26, 2015 / 7:00 am

    I have no words, you look absolotely fantastic ! I have been reading you for a few years now and i'm amazed how you have changed . You are big inspiration ! Go girl !

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