My beautiful Nephew turned a year old two weeks ago and he has been the best addition to the family, it’s such a wonderful thing getting to see this tiny human grow and discover the world.
– Being an Auntie means doing fun stuff and making a mess without worrying too much.
– I have learned that I am definitely not ready to have one of my own.
– When they learn your name and come for cuddles its the best thing in the world
– An extra chocolate biscuit wont hurt
– Making the little lump laugh becomes my main mission when he’s around
– Getting to hand them back when they’re crying is the best feeling
– You become less squeamish around excrement
– Selfies are the best when they feature him
– cooing and ahhing when you aren’t around him and in adult conversation sounds a tad odd.
– It’s the best excuse to hunt down cute onesies, booties and toys.
So all in all being an Auntie is just the best thing thats happened to me in a long time.