Learning not to be so hard on yourself

There is nothing I love more then hanging out with some really inspiring people so when Natalie dropped me a tweet about catching up it had been almost a year I jumped at the chance, I love the fact we both practically live in the same part of London no one ever lives on the Met line! 

We grabbed ourselves a lovely Starbucks and got chatting about our lives and how pretty darn similar we are, I also came to the conclusion that we are all a tad to harsh to ourselves like we are our own worst critics. I guess as creatives we have to keep pushing ourselves but seriously we should take a moment to realise how wonderful it is to be able to do what we do so freely! I think it is always so nice to find kindred spirits as we meander through life, I love the fact that both me and Natalie have this rock chic vibe going on that to be honest I hadn’t realised I had until a recent photo shoot when everyone was talking about my vibe and look, it was just nice to connect with some the old school way and just genuinely enjoy each others company.


1 Comment

  1. October 4, 2016 / 9:34 pm

    Great ideas!

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