Behind the scenes of my shoot with Blogosphere Magazine

I am never one to brag about myself in anyway shape or form, if you
was to ask any of my mates they would tell you I am constantly tough on
myself so I thought I would take the moment to refelcton one of the most
exciting things to happen to me in 2016, because lets face facts I
think personally 2016 has been a steaming pile of poo.

So for a few months I have had to keep quiet about a little something with Blogosphere magazine,
I was contacted and asked if I wanted to feature in issue 11 which I
was no way going to turn down, so the morning of the shoot I had never
felt so nervous, now I can take a good selfie but standing in front of a
photographer/assistant, make up artist you can imagine it’s pretty
nerve wracking. But when I arrived it was all so fab. The location was
amazing and I loved every moment. So I wanted to share with you a few snaps I took so you could have a little look behind the scenes and admire the location.

The majority of the
clothes I wore for the shoot were lovingly sent to me by Boohoo, but the
favorite photo that they featured I’m wearing my bargain other stories
Pink wrap over dress, still a little bit in love with that photo. The photographer  David Mitchell was just amazing and you can follow him over on instagram at @theworldofmitchell

In the magazine I talk about loosing my mum and my future plans as an artist even though I slightly sound like hate children ( I assure you I don’t) it makes for a fun read and was deffo out of my comfort zone. There
are some really fab friends that are also featured so if you want to
get your blogosphere copy you can buy directly from their website



  1. December 7, 2016 / 2:55 pm

    congratulations ella!!!! xoxo

  2. December 9, 2016 / 11:11 am

    Great photos! Congrats, Ella!!

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