Hanging out with Penny Skateboards


I use to have a neon pink and green Penny back when I was at University in Falmouth, one of my first businesses was customising skateboards, bet you never knew that about me? I use to buy up old skateboards, sand them down and customise them with my drawings of tattoos, skulls and type. I grew up as a bit of a tomboy so when Penny Skateboards got in contact my inner child jumped for joy, I had been eyeing up there pastel collection and for a while and I fell in love with this 27″ peppermint fade so when I took it out for the shoot it was the perfect size and reminded me of the first board I had ever been on, my older brother had a graphic 27″ with 1980’s style illustrations on that we use to bomb down the hills in the summer.

The way I dress hasn’t much changed since I was a teenager, mom jeans, vans and big jumpers. So the Penny skateboard just fits in perfectly with how I dress, it’s on the brighter side to the black, grey and whites that I often wear which makes it stand out more I guess. One of my favourite things to do when I am out with Natasha is to hunt out walls covered in amazing art work and graffiti, we wandered around Camden hunting for a wall that was locked behind gates on an estate so we accidentally stumbled upon this the doodle man piece.

I plan on drawing across the bottom of my Penny in my illustration style and mounting it on my wall, above where I work, every new years day I often change around my work space adding new pieces of art work, calendars and things that inspire me, my Penny will brighten up my space and inspire me for summer, as these dark winter has me looking forward to warmer weather and then I will be able to take the board out when I finally want to spend more time outside.

*Sponsored post but all thoughts and opinions are my own


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