So guess what I did with my last day of 2016? Washing all my bed sheets, packing away old clothes and sorting my desk, crazy right? But I wanted to start my 2017 on a good note, I decided to do a few simple things that when I wake up in 2017 will put a little smile on my face, I work from home, I have for the whole of my freelance career it’s a sort of love hate relationship with the space I have nestled between my desk and window sits my bed which is often a struggle to avoid, unless its super cold and dark outside working from my desk is one of my favourite things. I decided at the start of the year to fill my room with as many plants as I could as they often remind me of my mum who was a florist and they just lift a room and fill it with so much life (obviously) just adds a little bit extra to a room.
Now it’s 2017 (scary I turn 29 this year eek) I brought myself a cheap wall calendar just so I can be way more organised with my little freelance life, this year I’m really wanting to expand my brand so being on top of everything is vital. The one on my wall is a cheap mid year planner from Wilkinsons at the moment you can pick a lot up half price as its the start of the year so hunt one out.
The walls of my room/studio are covered, a little bit like a teenagers room but mine is filled with art work, artists, records, quotes, crosses and so many collections of things I have gathered over the years, for me I find filling my space with inspiring images, I also collect a lot of crap, I just fill my life with it maybe I need to spend my 2017 de cluttering my life!? In my space I have a wall 12 Ikea box shelves filled with inspiring books that I have kept since University, books are my hidden addiction. I read a book a week if I can I am currently in Love with “In the company of women” by Grace Bonney I snapped mine up a few weeks ago from Amazon, it’s filled with really wonderful artists, bloggers and designers. The images and the writing is perfect for dipping in and out of. It’s been a great read for me before I snuggle up in bed.
Currently at the moment my work is highly inspired by Mexican art, tattoos, skulls and flowers so I think my studio space is a refection of where my mind is at, at the moment so here is hoping that 2017 is a year of contentment, creativity and art for me. I want to spend the year chasing my artistic dreams and hopefully finding my place amongst things. I am also hoping to finally set up my Youube channel and get creating and sharing my life on there so fingers crossed I can finally get something together for that.
I adore peeking into other peoples studio/work-spaces! Thank you so much for sharing yours. Happy New Year gorgeous lady xx
thank you lovely I'm always so nosey when it comes to other peoples studios hehe Happy New Year lovely xx
Totally inspiring!
Faded Windmills
thanks beaut xx
Your studio space looks amazing!!! x
Becky |
thank you lovely, it's always nice when others approve of the mess I surround myself with ha x
Wow, amazing, your studio is so dang cool Ella! x
thank you lovely, and thank for all your support x
Your workspace is fantastic; I love all the knick knacks and amazing art. It reminds me that I need to organize mine a little more so I can not only feel comfortable working, but enjoy the space as well.
Happy 2017!
I find it really great to have a good clean and enjoy your space again, I think it's a must for creating good work so your brain isn't stressed over all the things around us : )
A year of contentment, creativity and art – yes to that! I loved reading this, Ella. I always find your posts so soothing; it's like talking to a friend!
I hope that 2017 is everything you want it to be. Keep slaying!
Bethany | Curly and Wordy
This is a seriously beautiful studio space! i love the Frida pic 🙂 Here's to a wonderful 2017
Stunning, Ella.
Absolutely stunning.
Absolutely love your work space. Definitely inspired me to work on mine a bit more!
Dreamy set up! Love all the plants!