Studio days

Does anyone else feel the effects of the weather on their mood, as soon as I woke up this morning, I was in the grumpiest mood, not sure it was the weather, this scary commission I have to power through or missing my boyfriend to be honest it was probably a mix of all three. So in between said scary commission I decided to bring back a series I created back in 2014 called Tattitude girls, sassy tattooed women that I’ve drawn. My work goes through phases of colour and then black and white line work I can never just settle on one style, its tough being an illustrator and not fully falling into one category but I guess it means I get a variation of clients so thats exciting.

I’ve finally gotten around to grabbing myself a proper Bullet Journal as all the other I have attempt to write in have failed and I really wanted the dotted grid just so I can finally get this little old life of mine organised. It was pretty pricey from Amazon but I hope to fill it with all the wonderful things I come across and doodle. I really need to get myself out of this weird anxious agoraphobic state I seem to have slumped into I go through phases of wanting to just hibernate and draw its wonderful for my portfolio not so great for my special life, but it always comes in waves and I’m sure with the return of my boyfriend tomorrow I’ll be a little less anxious and a bit more ready to take on the world.

I have realised recently this blog has become more of a place to dump my thoughts then to blog and actually give something back, so I have inline a few illustrated posts, top art shops in London and a few other more informative posts then woe is me I’m feeling rubbish so keep your eyes peeled.  


1 Comment

  1. July 20, 2017 / 12:15 am

    And some days you do just want to wrap yourself up in a throw and do what makes your soul happy. Just make sure you get out for some fresh air every now and again, haha. I've been quite the opposite with my photography, where I want to get back into it but I just don't know how. More about that in my recent post if you feel like checking that out. Love ya x

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