My simple New Years Resolutions

 New skills 

I haven’t picked up or played a guitar in around 10 years it was always my childhood ambition to learn to play and I could a little as a kid but I would always become so damn frustrated with it and give up after a session or two and this would go on for a few years. Now I am not going to claim I’m going to rise to super stardom with my playing but I just want to spend my time between drawing actually learning something new. Last year I learnt how to drive so this year I want to learn something far cheaper and just as rewarding. Truth be told this guitar was a struggle to pick treating myself to something a little pricey don’t worry it wasn’t crazy money, but after four attempts (three refunds )and asking a mate who plays in Black Foxxes to help me pick I settled on this Fender CD-60s in Black because obviously everything I own has to be black!


Oh I neglected my reading books towards the end of last year in favour of endlessly scrolling my way through my phone which can I say for the record bought no joy to my life, I am half way through Life by Keith Richard, half way through IT and I’ve just started Matt Haig how to stop time which I reserve solely for reading in the bath, my break time. I haven’t always been the biggest fan of reading but since Mum passed away, I’ve really enjoyed blocking out my sad thoughts that come when I’m alone with reading a good book. Don’t get me wrong I did manage to finish a few books in 2017 but this year I’m hoping less social media scrolling and more fulfilling reading. 


Interacting with people in 2017 was somewhat lacking, I started a new relationship with my wonderful boyfriend which is how I spent most of my evenings and weekends, exploring London, eating at new places and as lovely and amazing as that was I neglected to connecting with a lot of my friends. I could probably count my closest mates on one hand, and what I have learned in my nearly 30 years of existence that is isn’t the quantity but the quality of friendship that has meant more to me. So this year I am going to try and be there more for my friends as for the last few years I feel they’ve given and shown me a lot of love that deservedly needs to be give back.


Probably not really a resolution but I wanted to make more of a start on my right arm sleeve, 2017 saw me get probably one of my most important tattoos to date. One of my tributes to my mum based on my favourite Ben Howard song that has significants, you can read all about it here where I chat about the story behind my latest tattoo, I gained fifteen new tattoos on both my arms and legs and this year, I hope to book in a with a few of my favourite tattooist, to get my elbows, right sleeve and Knee caps done. Its going to be the year of finishing things and get the art work I want on my body.

These are pretty basic resolutions granted, but I am no longer going to worry to much about weightless even when I was a size 6 I hated how I looked so I’m going to focus all of those thoughts and worries about changing my body into actually living a good life and becoming a better person. So in 2018 I am keeping it simple which I chatted about with work in my Secrets to success in 2018 and now in my personal life.



  1. January 4, 2018 / 6:08 pm

    Your tattoos are so unique, I love that 'random' look of all of the different things you have illustrated over your body. I don't have as many as you but I have a similar thing going on 🙂 I can't wait to see what else you get done! Happy New Year lovely 🙂 x x
    Ellis //

  2. January 5, 2018 / 9:00 pm

    These are TREMENDOUS resolutions! Let me know if you're looking for some book recommendations! And getting more work on my half sleeve is one of my goals for 2018. x

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