
Posts by this author:

life lately

I had a little break for a work for a few days (minus sorting commissions) which was nice, a few little London based adventures were had, and I will be sharing them over the next week or so. But i’ve…


Young British talent : SkinnyDip London

So the lovely people at SkinnyDip London have included me in their Young British Talent which is super exciting, I got to pick and illustrate my favorite pieces and I just wanted to share what I created with you guys.…


Screen printing goodness with Thornback & Peel

The lovely Lisette from Lisette Loves invited me along to a screen printing workshop with Thornback & Peel which was an absolute pleasure to attend. Thornback & Peel are a wonderful British company specialising in screen printed fabric it has…


What I’m reading Illustrated

I thought I would share what I am reading at the moment but in illustration* form. So this is the hardest book to read and I’ve read a lot of criticisms regarding Ms Chung’s book but I enjoy the fact…


Fearless Friday : Embracing colour.

This is my new Weekly feature on my blog about living a little bit more fearlessly, these might be tiny steps of embracing things that we thought we couldn’t do but also learning to enjoy the small triumphs that lead…


From my desk : Summer collection.

Busy working away in the studio on my new summer collection. Think fun floral, bright colours and all things summery. Today I made a mass of Marmite on toast to fuel me through my lack of sleep and a silly…


My evening routine

Ever since going freelance and not having to get up at a set time (yes I do try my hardest to wake up before 7am) my evenings have become somewhat close to an all nighter blogging, working and stressing about…


Tourist in my own town : Hampstead Heath

Hampstead Heath  Getting out in my own town is something that I have been trying to do more and more. So when Chris came up with the idea of having a wander around Hampstead Heath I jumped at the chance.…


Adventures into vlogging and painting Be Frassy

You have those moments where you just need a break from everything, well last night I decided to put my talent to good use and create some portrait pieces based around some of my favorite Online peeps, last night I…


Weekend Adevetures – East London

I often head East when I have time to myself, as you are probably aware as a reader of my blog you can see other East London posts here and here or in the tag below, it is always so…


a few milestones

Today marked a little milestone for my big sister, her first proper trip out with Teddy since having him in November, it was lovely to get to spend more time with my tiny Nephew and my gosh hes sucha hit…


being an auntie : tiny teds

In November I became an Auntie to the biggest bundle of joy ever, being from a big family I have been use to always having babies around me (two little brothers), but being an Auntie is on another level. Now…


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